The Importance of Seeking Medical Care After an Accident

popped airbag from car crash

Emerging from the chaos of a car accident, one’s first instinct might not be to seek medical assistance. Oftentimes, adrenaline and the confusion of the situation overpower any sense of pain or need for care.

However, what may seem like a minor fender-bender can have far more severe repercussions if not addressed immediately. Here’s a friendly guide on why seeking medical care post-accident is non-negotiable.

Immediate Steps After an Accident

In the immediate aftermath of an accident, it's essential to quickly and effectively respond to ensure everyone's safety and begin the documentation process. Your first steps are vital for immediate health concerns and future procedural requirements.

Stay Calm and Assess Injuries

In an accident, the rush of adrenaline can mask pain and injury. The impact might cause internal damage not readily apparent. It is imperative to take a moment to assess yourself and others. Document the scene as best you can for your records.

Contact Emergency Services

Call 911 or local emergency services to report the incident and request medical help. The authorities will help secure the scene, gather statements, and begin an official report that may be pivotal later in insurance claims or legal proceedings.

Professional Medical Evaluation

Even if you feel ‘fine,’ see a doctor or visit the emergency room immediately. You may be injured more seriously than you realize. Keep copies of all medical records, diagnoses, and treatments as part of your post-accident file.

Once immediate concerns are addressed and medical evaluations completed, promptly contact your insurance for claims processing. Consulting a legal expert is also advisable to understand your rights and obligations..

Common Injuries and Their Symptoms

Some injuries often sustained in car accidents may not show symptoms right away, leading many to mistakenly believe they've escaped unharmed. Understanding the common types of injuries and their signs can help prompt medical attention.

  • Whiplash
  • Concussion
  • Back injuries
  • Internal bleeding


This neck injury, caused by a sudden jolt backward and forward, is common in rear-end collisions. Symptoms include neck pain and stiffness, headaches, and dizziness.


Head injuries, such as concussions, occur due to sudden impact. Signals include headaches, confusion, memory problems, and nausea.

Back Injuries

Back pain, sprains, strains, and even herniated discs can result from the force of a car accident. Symptoms may appear as sharp pain, soreness, or difficulty in movements.

Internal Bleeding

Bleeding from organs can be life-threatening and is not always visible. Symptoms include lightheadedness, deep bruising, or an abdomen tender to the touch.

The Impact of Delayed Medical Care

Postponing medical treatment carries significant risks. Delayed evaluations can worsen injuries, and insurance companies may use gaps in treatment to argue that your injuries were not severe or related to the accident.

Worsening Conditions

A common mistake after an accident is to wait to seek care. However, what may initially seem like bruising or minor aches can indicate more severe conditions requiring immediate attention.

Legal and Insurance Implications

Failing to get checked for injuries can complicate your rights in getting compensation. Insurance companies will investigate the nature and extent of your injuries. A gap in medical treatment can be used to cast doubt on your claims.

Long-term Health and Well-being

Your top priority should be your health. Prompt medical treatment can ensure injuries are correctly diagnosed, treated, and managed, preventing long-term complications.

Get Started on Your Claim Today

Each Fresno car accident attorney at Fowler | Helsel | Vogt defends clients vigorously. We are fully prepared for negotiations with insurers and approach every case with trial-level preparation, giving you a significant tactical advantage in advancing your interests.

Contact us today at (559) 900-1280 to get started!

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