How Drivers Can Improve Pedestrian Safety

pedestrian walking in front of car in crosswalk rainy pavement

Rarely is there such a thing as a “minor” pedestrian accident. In almost all instances where a pedestrian is hit by a motor vehicle, the individual sustains severe or even fatal injuries. Ultimately, drivers have a crucial role to play when it comes to the safety of those who are outside of vehicles.

Here are three simple yet effective ways that drivers can reduce the risk of a pedestrian accident and help keep others safe.

Know the Danger Zones

You should always be on the lookout for pedestrians, even in places where you wouldn’t expect them to be. However, there are certain areas where you may find more pedestrians around and where you’ll want to take extra precautions before driving:

  • Around Crosswalks. While you may think that crosswalks are safe zones for pedestrians, many accidents occur in these zones when drivers fail to yield.
  • Parking Lots. With pedestrians walking around and drivers pulling in and out of parking spaces, there’s a lot that can go wrong in parking lots and structures.
  • School Zones. Small children, who are already harder to spot, do not always follow proper crosswalk procedures in school zones and may dart out in traffic unexpectedly.

Keep a Proper Lookout

By keeping a proper lookout, we mean that you should always have your eyes scanning the road for pedestrians and small children who may put themselves unexpectedly in front of your vehicle. Besides when you’re driving straight down the road, here are a few situations in which you want to look ahead and/or use your mirrors as needed:

  • Before you turn and go through a crosswalk
  • Before you back out of a parking space or driveway
  • Before you pass a school zone, park, or playground

Keep an Attitude of Pedestrian Safety

Your attitude towards pedestrians will often dictate how you act behind the wheel. When it comes to pedestrian safety, everyone has a part to play, including you.

We are aware that not all pedestrians follow the rules. Some may jaywalk, dart out in traffic, walk on “Don’t Walk” signs, or surprise you in other ways. However, it does not matter whether you have the green light or whether it’s your turn to go. Never attempt to claim the road if there’s a pedestrian in your path, but instead brake as safely as possible and allow them to pass.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Fresno pedestrian accident, the dedicated legal team at Fowler Helsel Vogt is standing by ready to protect your family and pursue justice on your behalf. Contact our firm at (559) 900-1280 to speak with our legal team for free today.

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